We follow a 3-phase approach Discovery, Assessment, and Operational Integration for the successful MS transitions. We identify all environments and access requirements, obtain access, collect all the documentation, conduct KT...
We follow a 3-phase approach Discovery, Assessment, and Operational Integration for the successful MS transitions. We identify all environments and access requirements, obtain access, collect all the documentation, conduct KT...
We follow a 3-phase approach Discovery, Assessment, and Operational Integration for the successful MS transitions. We identify all environments and access requirements, obtain access, collect all the documentation, conduct KT sessions, provide required additional trainings, perform Shadowing and Reverse Shadowing Sessions and then finally sign-off the transition once the ownership transfer is completed.
NOESIS provides warranty / hyper care support, and steady state support once the application has stabilized. We cover all types of support levels i.e. L1, L2, L3, and L4 support during the warranty / hyper care phase, and L2, L3, and L4 support during the ...
NOESIS provides warranty / hyper care support, and steady state support once the application has stabilized. We cover all types of support levels i.e. L1, L2, L3, and L4 support during the warranty / hyper care phase, and L2, L3, and L4 support during the steady state support.